Sadly, we do not live in Equestria, where rules and laws seem much, much more relaxed. These rules are applicable within the entire virtual area where the event takes place and may be changed without further notice. You can also find the current version of the rules in the #rules channel on the server.
The attendees must read and respect these rules. Tirek didn’t and look where he is now.
In case of any questions, please contact the moderators and administrators of the server, or us at the e-mail info@czskbronies.cz.
- Use common sense! This rule is usually the only one that you need to keep in mind.
When discussing, stick to the topic for the given channel – you will find the topic in the header or description of the discussion channel. Short off-topic discussions are fine as long as they do not exceed a reasonable level. Thank you!
For a discussion of a specific topic, use the appropriate channel. For all other discussions related to the MLP or fandom, please use the #general-chat
Use Czech, Slovak, or English in discussions – the server users come from many countries, so the language is needed to be adapted to the current discussion. If someone does not understand you, the person usually speaks up. The official language of Czequestria is English, at the Winter Karaoke Party, it is Czech or Slovak.
Any R34 / NSFW / explicit content in any form is not allowed – any violation of this rule will ensure an immediate ban without further discussion. There are already many such places on the Internet and there is no need to add more.
Without the consent of the server administrators, any advertisements, commercial offers, and links to other Discord servers are prohibited – these will be deleted, and the authors of the posts will be expelled from the server. The exceptions to this rule are fandom commissions posted in the #marketplace channel and approved vendor channels during events.
Respect other users and visitors – harassment, senseless arguing, flamewars, and attacks on others will not be tolerated.
Any threats against participants, guests, organizers, moderators, or administrators will not be tolerated and may lead to the ban from the server and prohibition of participation in future events. Although we hoped that we would never have to use this measure, the participant ban list is not an empty page anymore.
- Violating these rules may get you expelled from the event grounds without a chance for a refund or re-entry.
General rules
Do not add any additional characters at the beginning of your user name on the server to move higher in the alphabetical order of the user list.
The server is supervised by administrators and moderators – if you have questions, suggestions, or anything else related to this server, do not hesitate to ask!
Administrators also have the last word in resolving disputes and their decision is final.
Data protection
All of the data provided to us will be used only for the purpose of this event and will not be provided to any 3rd party apart from governing bodies upon a legal, jury-sanctioned, request – see Privacy policy for details.