North Brony Reunion 2025 – big meetup in Ústí for the 5th time

North Brony Reuninon logo

The tradition of big meetups for the whole weekend and sometimes even with an overnight stay is still with us!

When: February 28 March 2, 2025
Where: Drážďanská 489/25, Ústí nad Labem

At the turn of February and March, we are returning to Ústí nad Labem again, for the whole weekend, more precisely from Friday evening to early Sunday afternoon (so that we have enough time to sleep and clean up).

You can sleepover in a sleeping bag on site (there is no shower available, only a sink), there is a kitchen on site (you can also order food to be brought in). Be sure to wear slippers the floor on site tends to be colder in winter.

The program will be more relaxed: My Little Karaoke, DDR Trotmania, board games and other games, drawing, chatting about the MLP series, fandom and other things. Just a weekend spent together 🙂

You can find details and registration in the North Brony Reunion 2025 thread on the board. If you have any questions, please write there, or contact the organizers on the Ústí nad Labem brony Discord server.

Thanks to the local bronies – Ruushii, Mesu and TechnikTomCZ – for organizing the meetup!

North Brony Reunion 2025 - comics
North Brony Reunion 2025; art by MesuYoru

4th Big CZ/SK bronies meetup 2013 (Prague)

4. Velký sraz CZ/SK bronies 2013 (Praha) - sraz na začátek LARPu

On October 19, 2013, the 4th Big Meetup of CZ/SK bronies took place in Prague – it was also the first meetup organized by the CZ/SK Bronies z.s. association.

The whole event started with a sightseeing game around Prague, called “Cutiemark Crusaders – Universe Travelers”. The participants of the game took on the roles of Cutiemark Crusaders (young ponies looking for their life missions). The game began with a large number of 26 teams on Palackého náměstí, from where groups of three players later set out on a route described by fragments of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s diary. The groups then went through interesting locations in Prague and performed thematic tasks.
Continue reading 4th Big CZ/SK bronies meetup 2013 (Prague)