“….so, it’s basically a winter Czequestria?”
This year’s Winter Karaoke Party was for the first time held in KD Krakov, the location of Czequestria for the past 10 years. Nobody is probably surprised that we’ve joked about this for years, and eventually, we also met there before Christmas. It wasn’t our original plan, but after our previous year’s venue cancelled our reservation, holding the Winter Karaoke in KD Krakov Small Hall turned out to be the best option. It’s still a meet up, not a con 😉 but both events are now even closer than before.
Our program was kicked off with a MLP quiz by Shoob and Birdyy to test the attendees’ brains while they were still fresh. Later, we got a little nostalgic and discussed the pony events of the previous year. And of course we also left some space for the traditional video screening, gift exchange led by Santa Pajzlaus, and a final song. As the name suggests, our Karaoke Party would barely be one without the musical games. The attendees could also visit Ponyville in virtual reality, sit down to create some art together, or buy some swag for their own collection or to give their friends from our talented vendors.
The spring may be right around the corner, but we will appreciate if you also look back to the festive atmosphere for a moment and check out the pictures and videos.
Photo galleries
Photos from the event from all angles. Additional information about the event can be found in the 13th Winter Karaoke Party (2024) post.
Footage from the entire event was taken and edited by Fang – all videos from the Winter Karaoke Party 2024 (including annotations and download links) can also be found on his website fangfactory.net.
If you liked the event, let us know on the bronies.cz forum or on the Czequestria Discord!
We look forward to seeing you again next time!