Winter Karaoke party 2024 – photos, videos and few words

Zimní Karaoke Party 2024 - Společná fotka
Winter Karaoke Party 2024 – Group photo (by NitramBro)

“….so, it’s basically a winter Czequestria?”

This year’s Winter Karaoke Party was for the first time held in KD Krakov, the location of Czequestria for the past 10 years. Nobody is probably surprised that we’ve joked about this for years, and eventually, we also met there before Christmas. It wasn’t our original plan, but after our previous year’s venue cancelled our reservation, holding the Winter Karaoke in KD Krakov Small Hall turned out to be the best option. It’s still a meet up, not a con 😉 but both events are now even closer than before.

Our program was kicked off with a MLP quiz by Shoob and Birdyy to test the attendees’ brains while they were still fresh. Later, we got a little nostalgic and discussed the pony events of the previous year. And of course we also left some space for the traditional video screening, gift exchange led by Santa Pajzlaus, and a final song. As the name suggests, our Karaoke Party would barely be one without the musical games. The attendees could also visit Ponyville in virtual reality, sit down to create some art together, or buy some swag for their own collection or to give their friends from our talented vendors.

The spring may be right around the corner, but we will appreciate if you also look back to the festive atmosphere for a moment and check out the pictures and videos.

Photo galleries

Photos from the event from all angles. Additional information about the event can be found in the 13th Winter Karaoke Party (2024) post.


Footage from the entire event was taken and edited by Fang all videos from the Winter Karaoke Party 2024 (including annotations and download links) can also be found on his website

If you liked the event, let us know on the forum or on the Czequestria Discord!

We look forward to seeing you again next time!

Christmas and New Year pony postcard 2024

17. 12. 2024 Jamis

Do you wish to send someone an original winter holiday greeting card with the My Little Pony theme? Just let us know the recipient’s name and address and in a few days, the recipient (anywhere in the world) will receive a postcard with Miss Libussa, the mascot of Czequestria, and the city of Prague – with your message attached!

Sending the postcard is completely free of charge (within the budget for this event). Voluntary contributions to our transparent bank account (payment details) are appreciated.

Miss Libussa - Winter pony postcard 2024
Miss Libussa – Winter pony postcard 2024; art by: MesuYoru

Livestream in PonyTown and Czequestria with Miss Libussa on BlueSky

Miss Libussa 2024 - info winter

You may have noticed that the relatively new social network BlueSky is becoming popular among My Little Pony fans. And we follow! Now you can also find Czequestria and Miss Libussa pony there!

For all those who cannot make it to this year’s Winter Karaoke Party in person, we are preparing a live stream of the event: just join the Pony Town Event on Saturday morning and watch the live stream on the map created according to the real venue, where you can walk around in pony form and interact with other participants.

The current form of streaming to Pony Town ends in less than a month – so you have one of the last opportunities to participate in a similar event! You can also watch the broadcast from the main hall on Twitch, as usual.

We look forward to seeing you in two days at the Winter Karaoke Party 2024!

Winter Karaoke party 2024 – Program

Winter Karaoke party 2024 - Program

Most of the program will take place in the Canterlot Hall, the rest can be found in the foyer and also on the first floor.

Welcome Ceremony – Opening of the entire event, a few formalities, what awaits us at the meetup and maybe even a few surprises 😉 come and see!

Warm-up Quizz – Do you remember Sunday’s Ultimate Brony Gameshow from this year’s Czequestria? Shoob and Birdyy have another episode ready for you! Get ready for a unique competition in the style of the American game show “Jeopardy”, where five randomly selected participants will thoroughly test their pony knowledge with questions from various MLP-themed categories. Come cheer, enjoy the fun and possibly take home some prizes.

MLP screening – The theme of the Christmas holidays can be found in all generations of My Little Pony. Although the past year did not give us a brand new Christmas story, we will not miss the screening this year either.

Czequestria, Karaoke, FFk, meetups – feedback and the future – Are you also tired of filling out long forms, thinking about grading and wondering if anyone even reads all this? Come and evaluate the Czech brony events of the past year and discuss their future direction. After all, they are here for all of us, aren’t they?

Christmas gift giveaway – Traditional Santa Pajzlaus in a tactical vest and handing out gifts to everyone who decided to participate in the Christmas giveaway.

Group photo – What would a CZ/SK bronies event be without a group photo. 🙂

Singing together and closing ceremony – Official closing, invitations to other events (we are also looking forward to visit them) and before we go home, a group singing of “It’s a pony Kind of Christmas”.


Creativity has been inherent to the brony fandom since the very beginning, and so at the Winter Karaoke Party you will find a place where you can let your creativity flow: in the Workshops you will find papercraft, coloring books, as well as blank paper and drawing supplies of all kinds.


It wouldn’t be a proper meetup without a proper heap of various musical games, which can be seen at brony meetups! Here is a short introduction to each of them:

My Little Karaoke – The desire to sing songs from the series together once gave this meetup its name. Just like back then, all you have to do is grab a microphone, choose one of the several hundred MLP songs and start singing. The system will show you the lyrics, the correct pitch and finally the overall rating. Whether you are trying for the highest score or just singing for the joy of others, Karaoke is here for you!

My Little Rock Band is also an integral part of the repertoire of music games that will offer you what it’s like to be in a band and enjoy the atmosphere of G4 music! And not only pony music, but also from other series (e.g. Pokemon, Steven Universe, etc.). There will be two microphones, two guitars, a keytar and, if we remember correctly, even drums!

DDR Trotmania is back in action! All fans of the popular dance game with colored arrows to music (not only) from My Little Pony can test both their observation and endurance at different levels of difficulty. If you want to break records, don’t forget a spare T-shirt!

PonyVRville – ponies not only on the screen, but all around you! Whether you go on a tour of Ponyville as one of its inhabitants, or try Beat Saber with ponies, you definitely won’t be bored – especially if you haven’t tried virtual reality yet!