My Little Pony generation 5

4. 3. 2021 Fang
Izzy goofball

With the ending of the 4th generation of My Little Pony, very little was known about how it would be evolving in the future. There was only an announcement of the 10th season of MLP: FIM in comics form and community rumors that the 5th generation would be done completely in CGI like Pixar movies.

On the 25th of February, an online event revolving around Hasbro’s investment plan took place, revealing new information about the 5th generation of My Little Pony with a screencap from the new movie and revealing 4 new characters. Namely Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, and Pipp & Hitch Trailblazer (Pipp is not in the video). This would be “the bridge” between generation 4 and generation 5.

Continue reading My Little Pony generation 5

Czequestria 202X – an introduction & answers from the team

Miss Libussa 202X - Sun info

Sometimes it feels there is nothing more to look forward to and that pony meetups are all in the past. However, our team has not given up yet, and despite everything, we’re still out there working. The atmosphere of big events is something we are all missing and want to experience again. So far, we can promise you one thing for sure:

We are planning Czequestria 202X and the theme will be “Sun vs. Moon”!

The last time we traveled through time, now we’re thinking space! You can look forward to an event filled with contrasts. Will you side with the light or the darkness? Or do we need a bit of both to restore the balance? We’re already excited to see your takes on the theme in costumes, art, and anything else you choose to bring to the event. Remember, the sky’s the limit!

Additional information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found at website.

Welcome new members of the association and the Council for 2021-2024!

15. 1. 2021 Jamis
CZ/SK bronies logo - text

On January 7, 2021, four new members joined our team: Fang, Frolda, MattKa, and pipa943.

The Assembly of members subsequently elected them to the Council of the association – all of them have participated in the organization of events organized (not only) by us in the past, and are now officially permanent members of the team. We wish them a lot of success!

An overview of the association members and the current Council can be found on the page About us – Contacts and people.

Winter pony postcard 2020

29. 12. 2020 Jamis

Do you wish to send someone an original winter holiday greeting card with the “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” theme? Let us know via the form and in a few days, the recipient (anywhere in the world) will receive a postcard with Miss Libussa, the mascot of Czequestria, and the city of Prague – with your message attached!

And if we are still within our budget, sending the postcard is for free 🙂

Miss Libussa - Winter pony postcard 2020
Miss Libussa – Winter pony postcard 2020; art by: Cwossie

9th Winter Karaoke party (2020) – photos and videos

Winter Karaoke party 2020 - Miss Libussa v2; art by: Wander Fox
Winter Karaoke party 2020 – Miss Libussa v2; art by: Wander Fox

Among the organizers, the Winter Karaoke Party is nicknamed “Conaoke” – probably because the organization difficulty is similar to a small convention and, above all, it’s easier than reciting the whole name every time. This year’s events earned the traditional pre-Christmas gathering a new nickname: “Coronaoke”.

Despite the lockdown, we were determined to organize an online version (potential visitors voted in favor in the survey), so the annual meetup tradition remained unbroken.

Continue reading 9th Winter Karaoke party (2020) – photos and videos