Let’s get the party started!

CZ/SK bronies logo - text

Date: 30.-31. 8. 2014 (+ LARP 29. 8. 2014)
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

The inevitable has become a reality – The bronies in the Czech and Slovak republic have grown in such numbers that a big celebration is in order!

Last year we’ve traveled far and wide to visit various MLP Conventions around Europe. We’ve even created our own MLP event line in the largest local Multi-fandom con! But it seems that we’ve outgrown that and the time has come to make our own 1st CZ/SK “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” convention!

„… and then, the Czequestria was born“

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Winter Karaoke party 2013

Winter Karaoke party 2013 - group photo; author: CreepyRiver

December 15, 2013, was declared as the day for the second event of the CZ/SK Bronies z.s. It was already the fifth major meetup of CZ/SK Bronies, this time with a touch of Christmas atmosphere.

After last year’s success of the same meetup (originally planned for six people, ended up with almost 80 participants), it was only a matter of finding a place where we could fit comfortably this year.

The search effort paid off – for this year, our venue was Sokolovna Řepy in Prague.

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4th Big CZ/SK bronies meetup 2013 (Prague)

4. Velký sraz CZ/SK bronies 2013 (Praha) - sraz na začátek LARPu

On October 19, 2013, the 4th Big Meetup of CZ/SK bronies took place in Prague – it was also the first meetup organized by the CZ/SK Bronies z.s. association.

The whole event started with a sightseeing game around Prague, called “Cutiemark Crusaders – Universe Travelers”. The participants of the game took on the roles of Cutiemark Crusaders (young ponies looking for their life missions). The game began with a large number of 26 teams on Palackého náměstí, from where groups of three players later set out on a route described by fragments of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s diary. The groups then went through interesting locations in Prague and performed thematic tasks.
Continue reading 4th Big CZ/SK bronies meetup 2013 (Prague)

Winter Karaoke party (2012)

Winter Karaoke party 2012 - tree

A pre-Christmas karaoke meetup, announced in mid-August and originally meant for a few people, to which so many people gradually joined that it eventually turned into a meetup of dozens of bronies. And even though it was clear even before the start that this is the last meetup held at that location, as the date approached, the enthusiasm grew higher and higher.

All the breaks in the planned program were eventually filled as more and more parts were added until it seemed that the entire evening would not be enough. In addition, a few people announced that they were celebrating their birthday around the meetup date, so it was expected that we would definitely not be bored…

Continue reading Winter Karaoke party (2012)