7th Winter Karaoke Party (2018) – photos and videos

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Winter Karaoke party 2018

“Drink rum!”

If anyone happened to be looking for which event this phrase appeared for the first time, it was this year. Fortunately, it was just a “con organizer simulator”: a computer game created by Xsoft who let volunteers (to the amusement of the audience and occasional embarrassed looks from the organizers) play it on stage. So, instead of completing tasks in the game, they sometimes tested what the characters (played by the real organizers of Czequestria) could withstand in different situations.

And this year it was certainly not the only surprise…

Continue reading 7th Winter Karaoke Party (2018) – photos and videos

7th Winter Karaoke – preparty PLACE CHANGE!

14. 12. 2018 Jamis
Libuše - Events

Pre-party to Winter Karaoke moves within the Koleje Strahov area to the restaurant on block 11! (map)

We apologize to all participants for this inconvenience – there were confusion and duplicate reservations on the restaurant side, so for this evening the restaurant is already occupied by another group.

7th Winter Karaoke Party – completely sold out!

Libuše - Events

Christmas is just around the corner and the annual meeting of the CZ/SK bronies community is already knocking at the door. Although the Winter Karaoke Party is sold out every year a week before, this year’s interest was even greater than usual – so despite the capacity increase, all tickets are sold out again!

This means, among other things, that tickets will NOT be sold on-site, because there are none left!

Thanks to all participants for their interest and we are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!

7th Winter Karaoke Party (2018)

Yes, we are preparing the 7th year of our traditional Winter Karaoke Party! From the humble beginnings started by Lyrel in 2012, the event grew into pretty much a one-day convention with everything that goes with it. Everyone is welcome! If you want to meet with your Czequestria friends (or any other convention) or you want to experience first ever pony meetup to explore what pony fun looks like.

If you do not know how Winter Karaoke Party goes, check out the photos and videos from last year 🙂 The meetup is suitable for participants of all ages.

So don’t hesitate; and mark your calendars and come enjoy the Christmas atmosphere with bronies!

When:  Friday 14th December 2018 (pre-party, 18:00–23:00) and Saturday 15th December 2018 (Main event, 11:00–22:00)
Where:  Friday – Club 001, Praha-Strahov (map); Saturday – Sokolovna Řepy, Praha (map)
For whom: everyone!

Continue reading 7th Winter Karaoke Party (2018)