PoníCon at Festival Fantazie 2025

20. 2. 2025 , Jamis
Miss Libussa G5

As every year, we are preparing PoníCon: a two-day program line dedicated to My Little Pony, on June 28 – 29, 2025. PoníCon is a part of the Festival Fantazie, held from June 27 to July 6, 2025 in Chotěboř, Czech Republic.

Actual information can be found at https://bronies.cz/Vlakno-Festival-fantazie-2025.

For many years, fans of all possible genres of fantasy and games have been meeting at this event, called “FF” among fans (because who would still linger with such a long name) and in 2013 bronies also joined. It is an ideal environment for enthusiasts of all kinds, especially for those who appreciate program diversity and the fact that most of it is made by fans for fans.

We look forward to seeing you!

North Brony Reunion 2025 – big meetup in Ústí for the 5th time

North Brony Reuninon logo

The tradition of big meetups for the whole weekend and sometimes even with an overnight stay is still with us!

When: February 28 March 2, 2025
Where: Drážďanská 489/25, Ústí nad Labem

At the turn of February and March, we are returning to Ústí nad Labem again, for the whole weekend, more precisely from Friday evening to early Sunday afternoon (so that we have enough time to sleep and clean up).

You can sleepover in a sleeping bag on site (there is no shower available, only a sink), there is a kitchen on site (you can also order food to be brought in). Be sure to wear slippers the floor on site tends to be colder in winter.

The program will be more relaxed: My Little Karaoke, DDR Trotmania, board games and other games, drawing, chatting about the MLP series, fandom and other things. Just a weekend spent together 🙂

You can find details and registration in the North Brony Reunion 2025 thread on the bronies.cz board. If you have any questions, please write there, or contact the organizers on the Ústí nad Labem brony Discord server.

Thanks to the local bronies – Ruushii, Mesu and TechnikTomCZ – for organizing the meetup!

North Brony Reunion 2025 - comics
North Brony Reunion 2025; art by MesuYoru

Christmas and New Year pony postcard 2024

17. 12. 2024 Jamis

Do you wish to send someone an original winter holiday greeting card with the My Little Pony theme? Just let us know the recipient’s name and address and in a few days, the recipient (anywhere in the world) will receive a postcard with Miss Libussa, the mascot of Czequestria, and the city of Prague – with your message attached!

Sending the postcard is completely free of charge (within the budget for this event). Voluntary contributions to our transparent bank account (payment details) are appreciated.

Miss Libussa - Winter pony postcard 2024
Miss Libussa – Winter pony postcard 2024; art by: MesuYoru

Livestream in PonyTown and Czequestria with Miss Libussa on BlueSky

Miss Libussa 2024 - info winter

You may have noticed that the relatively new social network BlueSky is becoming popular among My Little Pony fans. And we follow! Now you can also find Czequestria and Miss Libussa pony there!

For all those who cannot make it to this year’s Winter Karaoke Party in person, we are preparing a live stream of the event: just join the Pony Town Event on Saturday morning and watch the live stream on the map created according to the real venue, where you can walk around in pony form and interact with other participants.

The current form of streaming to Pony Town ends in less than a month – so you have one of the last opportunities to participate in a similar event! You can also watch the broadcast from the main hall on Twitch, as usual.

We look forward to seeing you in two days at the Winter Karaoke Party 2024!