9th Winter Karaoke party (2020) – photos and videos

Winter Karaoke party 2020 - Miss Libussa v2; art by: Wander Fox
Winter Karaoke party 2020 – Miss Libussa v2; art by: Wander Fox

Among the organizers, the Winter Karaoke Party is nicknamed “Conaoke” – probably because the organization difficulty is similar to a small convention and, above all, it’s easier than reciting the whole name every time. This year’s events earned the traditional pre-Christmas gathering a new nickname: “Coronaoke”.

Despite the lockdown, we were determined to organize an online version (potential visitors voted in favor in the survey), so the annual meetup tradition remained unbroken.

Continue reading 9th Winter Karaoke party (2020) – photos and videos

Videos from BronyCon 2019

9. 10. 2020 Jamis
BronyCon 2019 logo

Over a year ago, the biggest MLP: FiM convention took place in Baltimore (USA) for the last time. Czech and Slovak Bronies could not miss the grand final show! We brought back a ton of unforgettable memories.

While nothing compares to a personal experience, we can share a bit of the great atmosphere with you via our stories, photos, and videos. Thanks to Fang, who documented the whole event and edited the clip below, you can also feast your eyes on the amazing things prepared for visitors from all around the world. This clip is part of a series of 11 BronyCon videos, which is available on Fang’s website (also for download).

It’s been said, that everything that began has to come to an end. Saying goodbye is especially hard when we go through something extraordinary – and we sure may say the very last BronyCon was just like that!

Report from Czequestria 2019

Libuše - info 2019

Hi, everypony! It’s almost a year after Czequestria and the world of conventions changed, unlike anything we knew so far. Now, when we can’t meet each other so easily, all the amazing moments we shared in the past can give us the light in these darker times.

Memories of the time spent together represent the hope, that one day we’ll meet again and enjoy the Magic of Friendship as we know it!

Here… we give you “Czequestria, Ancient World” by Jan “Honzdir” Sedláček.

7th Winter Karaoke Party (2018) – photos and videos

Winter Karaoke party 2018 - banner v1
Winter Karaoke party 2018

“Drink rum!”

If anyone happened to be looking for which event this phrase appeared for the first time, it was this year. Fortunately, it was just a “con organizer simulator”: a computer game created by Xsoft who let volunteers (to the amusement of the audience and occasional embarrassed looks from the organizers) play it on stage. So, instead of completing tasks in the game, they sometimes tested what the characters (played by the real organizers of Czequestria) could withstand in different situations.

And this year it was certainly not the only surprise…

Continue reading 7th Winter Karaoke Party (2018) – photos and videos