12th Winter Karaoke party (2023)

Winter Karaoke party 2023 - banner - text
Libussa, Radoslava and winter fun (art by Dyonys)

When: Saturday 9th December 2023 (10:00–19:00)
Where: KC Novodvorská, Praha, Czech Republic (map)
Discussions: Discord server, bronies.cz

The world seems to be changing before our eyes faster than ever before, fifth generation of MLP is going to reveal next chapter and if it weren’t for the year in the name of our traditional pre-Christmas meetup, we would slowly forget how much time has passed since its beginning. Twelve years is a long time for anypony, so we are glad that even after years we are meeting in large numbers, not only to remember the experiences of the past, but also to add a few more on top. We will do everything that we can to be able to meet in person again during Christmas time and to enjoy time together with everything that belongs to pony fun. Winter Karaoke party trots on.

Everyone who wants to enjoy fun with ponies in the run-up to Christmas is welcome! Whether you want to meet your friends from Czequestria (and other cons or meetups), or you want to experience the first-ever pony meetup to explore what pony fun looks like.

If you do not know how Winter Karaoke Party goes, check out the photos and videos from previous years. The meetup is suitable for participants of all ages (children under 12 have free entry).

So don’t hesitate, mark the date in your calendars and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere with bronies & ponies! (For more information see the text below)

Continue reading 12th Winter Karaoke party (2023)

Winter Karaoke Party 2023 is closer than it seems… where and when?

Libussa, Radoslava and winter fun (art by Dyonys)
Libussa, Radoslava and winter fun (art by Dyonys)

We have to wait for Czequestria until next year, but the annual meetup of all CZ/SK bronies and their friends is coming fast! Does the summer weather around feel like Christmas is far away? But for real, there are only a little over three months left 🙂 so before you start your search for gifts and planning visits, put a mark in your calendar:

12. Winter Karaoke Party will take place on Saturday, 9. 12. 2023

Just like last year, we will meet at KC Novodvorská in Prague, Czech Republic. We look forward to seeing you!

Czequestria 2024 – a message from the organization team

The autumn marathon of European MLP cons is upon us, so before we all dive into the heights of entertainment, we have some long-awaited news for you:

Unfortunately, we have to announce that Czequestria 2024…

… lol, just kidding 🙂 of course it will happen! Did someone really think we were ending?

Czequestria 2024 will take place on August 23–25, 2024 and as in previous years, we’ll meet together in KD Krakov in Prague, Czech Republic – see you there!

Miss Libussa in the river of time
Miss Libussa in the river of time
(art by Dyonys)

Christmas and New Year pony postcard 2022

17. 12. 2022 Jamis

Do you wish to send someone an original winter holiday greeting card with the My Little Pony theme? Just let us know the recipient’s name and address and in a few days, the recipient (anywhere in the world) will receive a postcard with Miss Libussa, the mascot of Czequestria, and the city of Prague – with your message attached!

If we are still within the event budget, sending the postcard is free of charge. Voluntary contributions to our transparent bank account (info in the link above) are appreciated.

Miss Libussa - Winter pony postcard 2022 (English text)
Miss Libussa – Winter pony postcard 2022 (English text); art by: MesuYoru

11th Winter Karaoke party (2022)

Winter Karaoke party 2022 - banner; art by Wander Fox
Winter Karaoke party 2022 – banner; art by Wander Fox

When: Saturday 17th December 2022 (10:00–19:00)
Where: KC Novodvorská, Praha, Czech Republic (map)
Discussions: Discord server, bronies.cz

The world seems to be changing before our eyes faster than ever before, so even our traditional pre-Christmas meetup is coming changes. After the Winter Karaoke held online and the last year limited to 100 participants, we are changing the venue: we are moving from Sokolovna Řepy to KC Novodvorská, where we have more space for all our activities. Another change is the duration of the event: this time we will not stay until late at night.

We will do everything that we can to be able to meet in person again during Christmas time and to enjoy time together with everything that belongs to pony fun. Everyone is welcome, whether you want to meet with your friends from Czequestria (or any other convention) or you want to experience the first-ever pony meetup to explore what pony fun looks like. Winter Karaoke party trots on.

If you do not know how Winter Karaoke Party goes, check out the photos and videos from previous years. The meetup is suitable for participants of all ages.

So don’t hesitate; and mark your calendars and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere with bronies! (For more information see the text below)

Continue reading 11th Winter Karaoke party (2022)