Events we organize for brony community and community-related events we visited or plan to visit
11th Winter Karaoke party (2022) – photos and videos
This year’s Karaoke was different from almost all the previous ones – after nine years, we are moving to the new venue and with the move came a lot of changes: we no longer have the whole building only to ourselves, but we again have more space for all our activities and a bigger main hall where more of us can easily fit. After years of shrinking space in Sokolovna Řepy, Winter Karaoke moves to the place where ponies in the Czech Republic appeared on the convention scene for the first time on a larger scale: the FanCity in the autumn of 2012 is still remembered as one of the conventions that led to the birth of the next important events.
But the past was enough – the present will not wait, so despite the occasional adjustments on the spot, the 11th Winter Karaoke went smoothly and everypony had a lot of fun!
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