Czequestria 2019: Prince Whateverer – heavy metal and pop-punk musician

Prince Whateverer OC

Guitarist, vocalist, and producer from the south-east coast of the United Kingdom. Since late 2011, his heavy metal and pop-punk music with a light electronic and acoustic flavor became popular among many bronies all over the world!

His debut album “Rediscover” was released in November 2013 and to this day he performs at conventions in the UK, Germany, and the US – this year, he will join us at Czequestria 🙂

Check his YouTube channel for great music and let him know to @PWhateverer on Twitter how you like it!

Czequestria 2019: Vendor registrations for Czequestria 2019 are now open!

Libuše - info 2019

Not just fun and memories bring the convention to fans, but also corporeal things – whether it’s practical or purely decorative, reminiscent us the magical land of Equestria. If you can have morning tea or coffee from a mug with your favorite hero, or dry yourself after the bath with a towel from which Celestia or Luna looks at you, the world of ponies seems a little bit more closer again. And it’s the cons that have always been an ideal opportunity to buy and sell all kinds of things for fans.

For buying you will have to wait for Czequestria itself, but here comes an opportunity for all sellers: vendor registrations for this year’s Czequestria are now open!

For details and how to apply for a vendor place, see the Vendoring page.

Czequestria 2019 – ticket sale in a week!

Libuše - info 2019

Are you eagerly waiting for the announcement of the ticket sales start for this year’s Czequestria? In your mind, do you already think which ticket to buy this year? Waiting is almost over!

For the rest of the week, you can choose from the Tickets page which of your ancient pony experience is going to be the real one.

Ticket sales will start on Sunday 24. 3. 2019 at 19:00!

[tminus t=”24-03-2019 19:00:00″ omitweeks=”true”   before=”<h5>The exact time until everyone can choose their ancient Czequestrian destiny is shown by the following countdown. And when the time comes … choose wisely!</h5>” style=”cloud-city”  /]

>> Ticket sale is closed <<


7th Winter Karaoke Party (2018) – photos and videos

Winter Karaoke party 2018 - banner v1
Winter Karaoke party 2018

“Drink rum!”

If anyone happened to be looking for which event this phrase appeared for the first time, it was this year. Fortunately, it was just a “con organizer simulator”: a computer game created by Xsoft who let volunteers (to the amusement of the audience and occasional embarrassed looks from the organizers) play it on stage. So, instead of completing tasks in the game, they sometimes tested what the characters (played by the real organizers of Czequestria) could withstand in different situations.

And this year it was certainly not the only surprise…

Continue reading 7th Winter Karaoke Party (2018) – photos and videos

7th Winter Karaoke Party – completely sold out!

Libuše - Events

Christmas is just around the corner and the annual meeting of the CZ/SK bronies community is already knocking at the door. Although the Winter Karaoke Party is sold out every year a week before, this year’s interest was even greater than usual – so despite the capacity increase, all tickets are sold out again!

This means, among other things, that tickets will NOT be sold on-site, because there are none left!

Thanks to all participants for their interest and we are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!