Among the organizers, the Winter Karaoke Party is nicknamed “Conaoke” – probably because the organization difficulty is similar to a small convention and, above all, it’s easier than reciting the whole name every time. This year’s events earned the traditional pre-Christmas gathering a new nickname: “Coronaoke”.
Despite the lockdown, we were determined to organize an online version (potential visitors voted in favor in the survey), so the annual meetup tradition remained unbroken.
Of course, the online program cannot replace a personal meeting, but even so we started with the Christmas gift exchange and messages, presentation of own MLP collection, closet cosplay, brony knowledge and music quiz, and the sellers had their place too. The fun part (at least for the organizers) was Bad CZ/SK MLP fanfictions reading 🙂
We already had some experience with online events, so we turned the brostel (the headquarters of the CZ/SK bronies z.s. association, warehouse and coincidentally also the residence of four bronies) into an improvised studio for one day, from where we streamed the main program. Recordings from all parts of the program can be found below.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this year’s Karaoke even in these difficult and uncertain times! Hopefully next time we will meet again as usual.
Photos from our improvised studio and preparations
Footage from the entire event was taken and edited by Fang – all videos from the Winter Karaoke Party 2020 (including annotations and download links) can also be found on his website fangfactory.net.